New Guest / Cancellation policy

Due to our Service Providers high demand on time we kindly request 24 hours notice for all cancellations. Cancellations within 24 hours before your scheduled time will result in 100% of the services being charged.

Late to your reservation

As a courtesy to everyone, please arrive to your appointment on time. We give a 10 minute grace period; however If you’re going to be late to your reservation time please give us a call. If you will be more than 20 minutes late to your reservation, you may be asked to reschedule

Forms of Payment

We except cash, all major credit cards, checks and apple pay. Full payment is required at the time of your scheduled appointment. Credits, running tabs, and post dated checks are not accepted. NSF checks will result in a $50 fee and must be paid within 3 days of offense. Hair extensions require payment at the time of booking and are nonrefundable.